Sports & Water Sports Injury Claims

Most of us play or engage in some form of physical activity or sport. The reason is to exercise and have some fun. Most competitive sports will involve running around with others and using sports equipment. The rules of some games also allow tackles, as they are contact sports, so we have to accept that from time to time someone will be injured and it will purely be an accident with no one to blame.

However; if you have an accident and suffer an injury whilst playing or watching sport, which was someone else's fault, then you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

We can assist with claims in the following categories:
Deliberate sports injuries caused by a player
Sports injuries due to inadequate supervision or instruction
Sports injuries due to defective equipment or unsafe facilities
Water sports injury or accident caused by another party

Recent successes:

  • Individual suffered serious injury to leg following a trampolining accident; she had not received appropriate training in how to perform a move. She recovered £50,000.
  • Individual suffered scar to face following a deliberate stamp on the face by an opposing player in a Rugby match. He recovered £12,000.

For immediate, compassionate and free advice contact our Personal Injury Team who are ready to help you. 01392 209209.

Roger Henderson - 01392 209218.

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